The moon grows stronger each night, nearing her full brilliance on Friday, and her light is a force that reveals. During this waxing gibbous phase, there is a natural pull toward illumination—a call to see what lies just beneath the surface, to let what’s hidden rise fully into view. This week, we continue our descent by exploring the mirrors in our lives: the people and situations that reflect back the parts of ourselves we may struggle to accept.
Our reactions to others are not always about them; often, they’re glimpses into our own shadow, fragments we’ve unknowingly cast outward. The waxing moon gives us both the energy and the clarity to face these reflections without shrinking away. With each night she grows brighter, making it harder to ignore what has been obscured in the dark. Thoth stands beside us, a god of wisdom and truth, urging us to confront these reflections honestly, without excuses. Picture him as a mirror himself—a mirror that doesn’t distort or soften, but simply shows us what is.
Khonsu, the moon god and healer, watches as well. His presence reminds us that seeing our shadow is not a punishment or a source of shame, but a necessary step toward wholeness. He moves through the phases of the moon, familiar with both light and shadow, guiding us as we bring these hidden pieces of ourselves into focus. This week, Khonsu’s light is bright and clear, asking us to see without fear, with an open heart for whatever may be revealed.
Guiding Questions
As you move through this week, these questions will help guide you toward recognizing the projections and judgments that may be masking parts of yourself. Let them linger, and revisit them as the moon grows fuller. Allow yourself to reflect without rushing, as if these questions were lanterns illuminating hidden paths within.
1. Who in your life triggers frustration, jealousy, or resentment? Think of a person or type of person that evokes a strong reaction in you. What quality in them unsettles you? Is it possible this trait mirrors something within yourself that you haven’t fully accepted?
2. Where do you place blame, envy, or judgment? Notice moments when you quickly judge others. What exactly are you reacting to? If you held this judgment up to yourself, what would you see? How would it feel to own that feeling instead of projecting it?
3. How might your relationships reflect your inner conflicts? Notice patterns in your relationships. Do you encounter the same issues repeatedly, with different people? How might these repeated themes be mirroring something unresolved within you?
Let these questions stay with you as the moon moves toward her full illumination. The answers may not come easily or at once, but trust that the light is doing its work, drawing the shadows out of hiding.
Ritual: The Mirror of the Self
For this week’s ritual, you will need a mirror, a candle, and a quiet, dark space. The waxing gibbous moon is a potent time for reflection, building toward a peak of clarity on the full moon. Set this intention: to see yourself in the faces of those who challenge you, to recognize what you project outward and call it home.
On a night leading up to the full moon, light a candle and place it in front of a mirror. The candle’s flame will cast both light and shadow, creating a shifting, complex reflection—just like the layers within you. Sit with the mirror so you can look deeply into your own eyes, letting the soft light reveal rather than obscure.
Start by thinking of someone who has recently triggered a strong reaction in you. It might be anger, jealousy, or simply irritation. Hold their image in your mind as you gaze into your own eyes. Speak aloud what you feel about them, naming each emotion honestly. Let these feelings flow, without censoring yourself or softening your words.
Then, turn these words back to yourself. Imagine you are directing each statement toward the person in the mirror—you. Notice what changes. Do you feel defensive? Does the criticism reveal a buried truth? Is there a softness, a grief, or an understanding that begins to arise?
Allow yourself to sit with whatever you discover. The waxing gibbous moon, building to full, is a time of heightened sensitivity, and emotions may come strongly. This is a time to witness, not to judge. Imagine Thoth as a silent scribe beside you, recording what you reveal, and Khonsu, watching quietly as you bring light to the shadowed edges of your own self-perception.
When you feel ready, blow out the candle and sit in the darkness. In this space, you’ve glimpsed your own reflection, free from the distortions of projection. The shadows that once seemed to lie in others are now seen as pieces of you.
This week’s work is subtle yet profound. In seeing our projections clearly, we begin to reclaim our energy and understand ourselves more deeply. The waxing gibbous and full moon offer us clarity and strength, revealing shadows we might usually avoid. Remember, Thoth and Khonsu are both here to guide you: Thoth with his commitment to truth, and Khonsu with his quiet acceptance of light and dark alike.
Throughout the week, continue observing your relationships and reactions. Notice the moments when you feel triggered, and let yourself pause. Imagine the waxing moon overhead, lending you her clarity, her fierce illumination, her ability to bring what is hidden into the light.
By the end of this week, as the moon reaches her fullness, you may find that the people or situations that once unsettled you now hold less power. When we reclaim our projections, we reclaim ourselves. We see that the shadow is not an external force, but a reflection of our own depths—one we’re learning to know, understand, and ultimately embrace.
